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to the bottle 




"I am

the fragance of youthness "

" Star of the appellation, I am unique. Produced in limited quantities, I am a Rosé with childhood savours.

reuilly g winemaking

Vine-growing & winemaking

Awards & citations

The vines of this cuvée is young. The soil benefit from a particular attention: grass cover cropping and shallow tillage.


Yields are limited up to 55 Hl / Ha.


The harvest is poured into thermo-regulated tanks. The fermentation (18 to 20°) occurs after a cold settling of the juice for 8 to 12 hours. The wines are matured in stainless steel or fiberglass tank for 6 to 8 months before being bottled and marketed. 


This wine is to be drunk young and fresh.


A confidential production ...


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